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Monday, April 27, 2009



I know there's a lot of people in need of this wshear and dryer but I just won't to say that my aunt is having a very hard time and does not own a wshear or dryer she is a single mother of two kids she was married but her husband left her and her daughter to live in a abanded trailer to survive 6 months pregnant with no power or running water no beds just the floor and them to survive I finily got her in a apt on the housing program and she found out she was pregnant again 6 months after her last child and was 2 months along and because she was carring her laundry with her kids up the road which was a half a mile to wash her clothes she inded up miscarring her baby last night she is having it very hard that's why I found this sit trying to see what I could do to help her get a wshear and dryer she has no income is struggleing very bad no car and she has to walk to get grocerys and to take her children to the dr thanks for taking your time to read and undersatand why she needs this

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I'm an editor in the Style section at The Washington Post, and I've written about arts, entertainment, business, and technology for the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Slate, Los Angeles Magazine, and other publications. I was previously deputy editor at L.A. Weekly, overseeing arts and culture coverage. I've won awards for my stories about slash fiction, magicians, and television in India, among others. I've appeared on CNN and NPR and I wrote a book about Avenue Q. I've taught journalism at Loyola Marymount University and creative nonfiction at the University of Virginia Young Writers Workshop.

I also have performed standup comedy at venues such as the Laugh Factory, Westside Theater, and ComedySportz.

To read my full bio, click here. To read more of my writing, click on the categories below. You can follow me on Twitter at @zpincusroth. I'm married to Giselle Odum.

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