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Thursday, June 05, 2008



Am I the only one who looks with secret and evil glee at the Sparkly Sea Creature from Outerspace glminmag it up and going OTT balls out on “I want to rock and roll all night and party every day”… come on you know in you secret selves you have boogied to that song more than once you KNOW you have.And to whet the appetite just a bit more:From stylist “what he is wearing in unlike anything ever seen on the idol stage before” andAND:RichardRushfield: Adam’s outfit with kiss tonight is going to shake some viewers to their coreRichardRushfield: Alot of alligator involvedRichardRushfield: And rhinestone studded handcuffsSQQEEEEEEEEEEEE (ok total fangirly moment)The song you mentioned is the only one I can even think of that KISS did. That's how little I think of their music which was written for the bubble gummers of their time. Keith Urban sounds like a good fit for Kris actually. Pink's music will be used with the other Idols, but not with her being there. I'm trying to resign myself to the fact that Adam will be with KISS. Keep telling me the good part of this bad news. I'd even rather he sing Do You Think I'm Sexy with Rod Stewart than to be with KISS. And by the way, only Gene Simmons gets to do the tongue thing. That's his trademark, so I hope Adam uses his tongue to hit the high notes and leaves it at that. Lionel Ritchie and Danny are perfect since didn't Danny do Endless Love, a Ritchie song? Allison with Cindy doesn't thrill me either. Cindy is also a has been. I am SO disappointed and I have hours before it starts.

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I'm an editor in the Style section at The Washington Post, and I've written about arts, entertainment, business, and technology for the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Slate, Los Angeles Magazine, and other publications. I was previously deputy editor at L.A. Weekly, overseeing arts and culture coverage. I've won awards for my stories about slash fiction, magicians, and television in India, among others. I've appeared on CNN and NPR and I wrote a book about Avenue Q. I've taught journalism at Loyola Marymount University and creative nonfiction at the University of Virginia Young Writers Workshop.

I also have performed standup comedy at venues such as the Laugh Factory, Westside Theater, and ComedySportz.

To read my full bio, click here. To read more of my writing, click on the categories below. You can follow me on Twitter at @zpincusroth. I'm married to Giselle Odum.

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