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Saturday, April 01, 2006



Yeah, well, I feel ya'. Must say that playing a Catholic Church sevrice can top pretty much anything, though. When you're not Catholic and you don't know the liturgy and you're subbing and the priest won't tell you a thing about the order of events, you're completely screwed. Seems all the Catholic music directors know when to play every little Gloria and Praise and they think that you as a sub should know, too. Meanwhile, the entire congregation is waiting for you to start the songs, whatever they may be! And the priest is glaring at you, but, of course, you can't tell because you're up in the balcony miles away from the priest with your back to him! And the regular organist has left no legible instructions. All you can do is pray!

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I'm an editor in the Style section at The Washington Post, and I've written about arts, entertainment, business, and technology for the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Slate, Los Angeles Magazine, and other publications. I was previously deputy editor at L.A. Weekly, overseeing arts and culture coverage. I've won awards for my stories about slash fiction, magicians, and television in India, among others. I've appeared on CNN and NPR and I wrote a book about Avenue Q. I've taught journalism at Loyola Marymount University and creative nonfiction at the University of Virginia Young Writers Workshop.

I also have performed standup comedy at venues such as the Laugh Factory, Westside Theater, and ComedySportz.

To read my full bio, click here. To read more of my writing, click on the categories below. You can follow me on Twitter at @zpincusroth.

I'm happily in a relationship with Giselle Odum

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